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This work was composed in the Spring of 2005 and is a short showpiece for piano. It is marked by its very irregular meter, constantly switching between 5/8, 7/8, 6/8, and 8/8. The piece was inspired by Leonard Bernstein's Profanation, from the Jeremiah Symphony. The title comes from a synonym of Profanation, and I hope is a worthy response.

To contact me about commission projects, email me at

Out, Out--

This is a chaotic and minimalist quintet piece with a text sung by Baritone voice. The text was written by the great American poet Robert Frost, and is the gruesome story of a boy who cuts his hand off with a saw and bleeds to death.

To contact me about commission projects, email me at

Out, Out--
Symphony No. 1
Symphony No. 1, excerpt

After the levity of Circus Music, I set out to write a more serious work for orchestra. The result is this movement of Symphony No. 1. The recording on this page is the beginning through the end of the exposition, and is in a heavily modified Sonata form. Inspired in part by Prokofiev's Fifth Symphony, the intro alternates between a slow ponderous theme, and a quick atonal line. The two are later combined in a climax before the fast development, the beginning of which is on this recording.

To contact me about commission projects, email me at

Circus Music

Circus Music is my first full composition written while studying with Judah Adashi. It is also my first piece for full orchestra. The colorful titles hint that things might not be as happy at this circus as most. Rather, I like to think of this as 'Demented Circus Music', where no matter what, something doesn't seem quite right. The piece is in 5 short movements, beginning and ending in much the same way.

To contact me about commission projects, email me at

Circus Music